Dec 21, 2012. As this date is fast approaching, the world is growing increasingly anxious about the consequences they would have to face. Nobody has the tiniest of the confirmed ideas about what exactly is going to happen on that day. There exist many conspiracy theories which try to establish this so called fact. However, many people still are unaware of this Doomsday concept. On the other hand, those aware of this future catastrophic event are being swept away by the hype being created everywhere. Even some strong minded well educated people (those who don’t believe in hypes unless proved scientifically) are being mentally destabilized by this ‘end of the world’ theory. My god! It literally means that we are left with only 862 days 20 hours 53 minutes (sorry, I couldn’t make it a countdown timer). It again literally means that our survival days are numbered. Okay, whatever it is. Forget the doomsday. Let’s look at what is going on today.

According to an article published on the website, there exist seven reasons for the world or life to end. But they are not strongly established facts. Of course, had they been strongly established, today we all would have had our heart in our mouths. So, leave aside the theories and the conspiracies. Believe in what you see. It’s not that 21st Dec 2012 will be the catastrophic day. Nowadays, everyday is catastrophic since we get to hear at least one disaster happening everyday in some part of the world. So, I would rather say the catastrophes will finally end on the day of 21 Dec 2012 (if the doomsday happens). Let’s go through some devastating facts which are a part of our everyday news.

  • The climate change or the global warming as the world calls it is the most debated topic of the 21st century. The ill effects of global warming, which were rising slowly during the last decade, now are increasing alarmingly and it is sure going to reach unprecedented proportions very soon. For years, that disaster has been unfolding so slowly that it’s been invisible. But now you can see it: Mountain glaciers around the world are melting, along with North polar sea ice and the ice cap atop Greenland; droughts are baking the U.S. southwest, Australia and sub-Saharan Africa; floods are devastating Bangladesh; and Central America is reeling from powerful hurricanes. Not all of these events can be tied absolutely to global warming, but all of them will surely become more frequent and intense as the world warms — ultimately threatening the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people.

  • .

  • The never ending Indo-Pak, Palestine – Israel and similar other wars, bomb blasts that rip Pakistan and many other parts of the globe every alternate day have proved to be the most threatened events     effected by/to mankind

  • The recent volcano eruption in Iceland, the recent devastating floods in the Leh region of India, this year’s disastrous earthquake in Haiti killing over two hundred thousand people, the landslide that rocked China just a couple of days ago are a part of the natural disaste

  • The BP Deepwater Horizon oil well explosion, which resulted in spillage of over hundred thousand gallons of crude oil spreading the slick to over 30 km in Gulf of Mexico, has proved to be the most devastating oil disaster ever recorded in history. Another similar incident of the ship MSC Chitra, which collided with another ship and spilt several hundred tons of oil in the Mumbai waters, is no less destructive. The effects of oil spill are indeed threatening to everybody. These two being the oil related cases of just the calendar year 2010, there are many more of such. Disasters like this may happen knowingly or unknowingly but the effects are always killing, doesn’t matter if it is accidental or intentional. The delicate ecological balance is always destroyed. Many species of animals and birds fear extinction.

  • It seems that the industrial and vehicular pollution could/will never be stopped. The less spoken about it the better it will be because the statistics itself will kill, leave apart experiencing it.

  • Medical fatalities are at an all time high. Don’t forget about those children who die everyday because of various diseases, malnutrition, lack of food etc. Problems are plenty.

I consider myself very novice since I was just able to research superficially. The technical details of all the disasters taken into account above pertain to the calendar 2010. There are many such different disasters which have happened over the past decade. Some are natural disasters indirectly resulting from a man’s inhuman activities.

Now you research about those seven reasons which scientists have published that would cause earth’s end. You will never want to do that as there are many day to day reasons that will surely result in the end. Leave apart those highly super scientific reasons which our scientists have come up with. For your information I have listed out those reasons below.

ü      Mayan Calendar

ü      Destructive Sun Storms

ü      The European devised atom smasher whose experiments would convert Earth into a super dense blob

ü      The Bible says it

ü      A Super Volcano eruption at the Yellow Stone National Park in California

ü      Earth’s magnetic field and the consequent reversal of poles

ü      The physicists who have come up with a certain mathematical formula which establishes the time of end of earth.

So, you can imagine how fast the ultimate catastrophe is unfolding. I would say the earth and the life is dying slowly and daily. Dec 21, 2012 may just be the final closure. If not then it may be in 2013 but definitely not much time safe and healthy time left. The world has so far witnessed many man made marvels and ultimately it will witness a man-made doomsday.



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